Nekane Lozano


Nekane Lozano studied at the University of Zaragoza, where she received a Bachelor of Physics. Then she moved to San Sebastian to receive her Master’s degree in nanostructured materials at Materials physics centre (CFM) in 2017.

She began her career in Eurecat (Technological Centre of Catalonia) as a PhD candidate. Her studies are focused on the replication of micro- and nanotextures at LSR pieces by injection moulding. Another point of interest is to understand the intrinsic properties of surface texturing such as hydrophobicity, antibacterial capacities, or self-cleaning capabilities. She helped to study the industrialization of the replication process and to search for potential applications. Moreover, during her stance in Eurecat, she collaborates with different projects working with LSR focused on the integration of electronics in silicone pieces.
